Two key recommendations for individuals Who Are Feeling Drained and Depleted

People frequently seek therapy when they discover they are no longer able to help those in need. They are peppered with questions such as:

“I haven’t felt this satisfied or relieved in a long time.” “Why is it that everything irritates me these days?”
“I want to be emotionally available and strong, but whenever a difficult situation or conversation is about to arise, I check out.” “Am I just being lazy?”
“I can’t remember the last time I had some guilt-free fun with my friends and family.” “Why does everything I used to enjoy seem so difficult lately?”

These inquiries mimic the sound of someone trying to fill an empty cup. Compassion fatigue is the term used to describe this issue in the mental health field. Compassion fatigue is widespread among working professionals including therapists, nurses, and veterinarians but is less likely to be recognized in unpaid caretakers.

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Compassion fatigue sufferers frequently lament that they learn about their condition after they have already developed it. If you are currently helping a loved one get through a difficult period or work in a field that requires ongoing, sensitive caregiving, take into account these suggestions:

1 Give your emotions a name.

While compassion fatigue may appear to be unavoidable, there are strategies to avoid it, the most important of which is to learn about it and monitor for indicators on a frequent basis. This is especially critical for anyone whose job requires a high level of emotional resilience.

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A decrease in compassion satisfaction is a clear indication that one is approaching a state of compassion exhaustion. Compassion weariness, according to one source, causes “the caring, feeling, and acts of compassion (to) decline,” resulting in “an outwardly impassive detachedness.”

This can result in social isolation, a lack of self-care, and a slew of negative emotions such as self-disgust, rage, frustration, and embitterment.

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It’s important to keep an eye out for these indications so you can report them when things get out of hand. If one is unaware of the symptoms or notion of compassion fatigue, it may lead to more serious mental health problems. Always keep in mind that when a problem has a term and a definition, it appears more controllable and thus reduces emotions of panic and overwhelm.

2. Seek assistance.

People who give help are almost always the ones who are most hesitant to seek for it. Fortunately, a variety of therapies for compassion fatigue have proven to be quite helpful. While small lifestyle changes like meditation, a balanced diet, and regular exercise are excellent preventative measures, external assistance may be required when one’s compassion tank is dangerously low.


According to a study in the Journal of Health Service Psychology, there are two effective approaches for treating compassion fatigue:

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In the case of protracted caregiving and compassion fatigue, the banal wisdom of putting on your own oxygen mask before attempting to aid the person next to you holds true. On an empty cup, one cannot serve another.


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