Ghanaian Students in Serbia Struggle as Stipend Payments Delay, Urgent Action Needed

Ghanaian students pursuing academic endeavors in Serbia are facing an uphill battle as delayed stipend payments plunge them into financial uncertainty, jeopardizing their educational pursuits and threatening their academic futures.

Reports emerging from Serbia paint a grim picture, with some students enduring months without receiving their stipends, a lifeline crucial for covering basic living expenses. The dire situation has reached critical levels, leaving many students on the brink of expulsion from their academic programs due to mounting financial constraints compounded by administrative hurdles.

Abdul Salam Mohammed, one of the affected Ghanaian students, shared his harrowing experience, lamenting the lack of progress despite continuous engagement with relevant authorities. “We came in May [2023] and we haven’t received our stipends since last year, so it’s almost been 11 months,” Mohammed expressed, highlighting the profound impact on their academic and personal lives. With no resolution in sight, many students are resorting to menial jobs to make ends meet, a compromise that inevitably takes a toll on their academic performance.

Another student, speaking anonymously, echoed Mohammed’s sentiments, underscoring the pervasive financial challenges plaguing Ghanaian students in Serbia. “The main challenge here is with finances,” the student disclosed, shedding light on the daily struggles to meet even basic needs. Borrowing money from fellow students and relying on low-paying jobs to sustain themselves, these students find themselves trapped in a cycle of financial instability that hampers their ability to focus on their studies, the primary reason for their presence in the country.

Beyond the immediate financial strain, the current predicament has inflicted deep psychological distress on the affected students, compounding their anguish and exacerbating the already challenging circumstances they face.

In light of these distressing developments, urgent appeals have been made to the Ghanaian government to intervene decisively and alleviate the plight of its citizens studying abroad. The call for action underscores the pressing need for swift and effective measures to address the systemic issues contributing to the students’ predicament, ensuring that they can pursue their academic aspirations without undue financial hardship.

As Ghanaian students in Serbia continue to grapple with the fallout of delayed stipend payments, their resilience and determination serve as a poignant reminder of the unwavering pursuit of knowledge amidst adversity. Yet, the urgency of the situation demands concrete solutions and decisive action to safeguard their educational opportunities and uphold the nation’s commitment to nurturing its future leaders.

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