Ghana Businesses Cry Out Amidst ‘Dumsor’ Woes; release dumsor timetable

As Ghana grapples with the return of ‘dumsor’ – the colloquial term for erratic power supply – the Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) has sounded the alarm on the dire consequences facing businesses nationwide.

In a resounding call to action, GUTA has urged relevant authorities to swiftly address the ongoing power outages by providing a comprehensive timetable for ‘dumsor’. The lack of a clear schedule has left businesses in a state of uncertainty, exacerbating the challenges they face in navigating the turbulent economic landscape.

The impact of persistent power cuts on businesses cannot be overstated. From disrupted operations to financial losses, the ramifications are felt across industries, with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) bearing the brunt of the burden. These businesses, which serve as the lifeblood of Ghana’s economy, are struggling to stay afloat amidst the unpredictability of the current energy crisis.

GUTA’s statement underscores the urgent need for a coordinated response to mitigate the adverse effects of ‘dumsor’ on businesses. With no foreseeable end in sight to the power outages, businesses are left scrambling to adapt, unable to plan effectively or meet the needs of their customers.

Central to GUTA’s plea is the call for transparency and accountability in managing the energy crisis. By providing a clear timetable for power rationing, authorities can empower businesses to better navigate the challenges posed by ‘dumsor’ and minimize its impact on productivity and profitability.

In closing, GUTA reiterates its appeal to the government and stakeholders in the power sector to prioritize the interests of businesses and take immediate action to alleviate the strain of ‘dumsor’ on the economy. With a comprehensive timetable in place, businesses can regain a sense of stability and chart a course towards a more prosperous future in Ghana’s business landscape.

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